Call for papers


2025 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing NCSP'25 conference will be held in Cititel Penang Hotel, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, Feb. 27 - Mar. 2, 2025. The workshop is open to researchers from all over the world. In particular, the organizing committee encourages students to present their preliminary results that are not necessarily ready for publications in technical journals. Papers describing original works in all aspects of Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing are invited. Topics include, but are not limited to:

■ Nonlinear Circuits and Systems   ■ Communications   ■ Signal Processing
・Bifurcation and Chaos   ・Communication & Information System Security   ・Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
・Circuits and Systems   ・Communication Networks   ・Biomedical Signal Processing
・Complex Networks & Systems   ・IoT & Sensor Networks   ・Image & Video Signal Processing
・Control and Fuzzy Systems   ・Optical Communications   ・Signal Processing for Communications
・Evolutionary Computation   ・Wireless Communications   ・Speech & Language Processing

Paper Submission Information

Authors are invited to submit 1-page summaries through the workshop website:
After the acceptance, authors will be required to submit the final paper (4-pages are required) for the workshop proceedings.

Submission Manual:

First Submission:

Authors are invited to submit 1-page summaries in PDF format through the paper submission site.

・Summaries must be in English.

・Summary should be within 1 page.

・There is no style file for submitting 1-page summaries but summary should be presented as follows: Tiltle, author name(s), affiliation(s), and main body.

・Summary can also include references.

・Summaries are recommended to be composed of four paragraphs (objective, methods, results, and conclusions).

・Before submitting 1-page summaries, authors should register your information at the workshop website.

・Only PDF format can be submitted.

Camera-Ready Submission:

After the notification of acceptance, author(s) must submit a camera-ready manuscript (maximum of four pages) in PDF format by January 17, 2025.

LaTex Style File and MS Word Template:


   ◆ Latex style file

   ◆ sample LaTeX source file

   ◆ sample and guideline PDF file

   ◆ sample MS-Word file, recommended Word 2007 or later version

Submission Page:

Submission (click here)

Special Sessions

Proposals of organized special session are welcome and should be sent email to by November 30th, 2024 -> 13th December, 2024.


Student Paper Award

NCSP'25 review committee members will evaluate a camera-ready paper and an oral presentation of an award-eligible person. Then, we will determine award winners based on the overall evaluation scores.

~Requirements for Eligible Person of NCSP'25 Student Paper Award~

1. You must be a student and the first author of the paper.

2. Your camera-ready paper must have four pages in length.

3. You must submit your camera-ready paper by its deadline.

4. You must check "Entry for Student Paper Award Contest" in the submission system when submitting your paper.

5. You must give an oral presentation (onsite or virtual) at the conference.
(Note that if you present your study on a recorded video, you might be disqualified from the award-eligible person.)

6. You must not be a past NCSP student paper award winner.

7. Whether your presentation is in a "Regular Session" or a "Special Session," you are eligible for the award if you fulfill the above 1-6.

Student Paper Award Winning Papers

Presentation instruction


All speakers and audiences must read the following instructions carefully.

(a) For All Speakers and Audiences


### Display example ###
[Chair] Hiroo Sekiya (Chiba Univ.)
[Speaker] Kosuke Sanada (Mie Univ.)

(b) For All Speakers
- All Speakers have 18 minutes for their presentation.
(15 minutes for presentation + 3 minutes for Q&A).

(c) For Onsite Speakers
- Because Penang's climate is hot, NCSP'25 attendees need not wear formal clothes, such as a tie and a suit, in sessions and social events. We recommend that attendees wear an casual shirt.

(e) For All Audiences

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Contact address: