Bus Service


Free shuttle bus will move from Pudong Airport (Shanghai) to the conference site (Shanghai Jiao Tong University). If you would like to take them, please make a reservation to:

Hiroo Sekiya, General Secretary, NCSP'07
e-mail: ncsp07office@ncsp07.org

and send the information which bus you will take.
If you have already made a reservation via Panorama International Inc., you need not apply to us.
Time Table (Departure time from Pudong Airport)
Mar. 2, 13:30
Mar. 2, 17:30
Mar. 2, 21:30



Registration Desk


Registration desk is available as follows.

Mar, 2, 15:00 - 17:00 NCSP Desk, on first floor of Hao Ran High-Tech Building in Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Mar. 3, 9:00 - 17:00 NCSP Desk, on first floor of Hao Ran High-Tech Building
Mar. 4, 8:30 - 17:00 NCSP Desk, on first floor of Hao Ran High-Tech Building
Mar. 5, 8:30 - 15:00 NCSP Desk, on first floor of Hao Ran High-Tech Building
Mar. 6 Closed





Almost registration fee includes lunch on Mar.3-5. The restaurant for the lunch is "Faculty Club" on this map. Please don't forget the tickets which you can get at the registration desk.





Banquet will start at "Restaurant for Banquet" on this map on Mar. 4 (18:00).



Student Paper Award Ceremony


Student Paper Award ceremony will start after all sessions are closed on 5 March (15:10). The place for the ceremony is gThe room 102h. After the ceremony, let us go to the gShanghai Circus Tourh.



Shanghai Circus Tour


Shanghai circus tour will be held on 5 March.
We will have a supper at "Faculty Club" from 17:00 and get the bus to Shanghai Circus at 18:20.



Student Paper Award


The conference committee highly recommends submissions of papers by students.

The Student Paper Award is founded by the conference committee.
Eligible papers must satisfy the following two conditions :

1. First author is a student.

2. First author makes an oral presentation at the conference.

From the manuscripts of camera-ready and the presentations at the conference, Technical Program Committee will select papers for Student Paper Award.

The winners at the past NCSP are excluded from candidates for Student Paper Award at NCSP'07.



Special Section on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing


The Journal of Signal Processing announces a forthcoming special issue on gNonlinear Circuits and Signal Processingh to be published in November, 2007. The conference committee is pleased to invite attendee of the conference to extend their papers and submit them for inclusion in Special Section on NCSP.