Conference Venue

Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa
Address: 2552 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 USA.
  • Google map
  • Hotel Website

    Information of Hawaii
  • Hawaii Tourism Authority

    Registration Desk & Session Rooms

    Registration desk is available as follows.
    February 28, 16:00 - 18:00 Milo III (2F)
    March 1, 8:20 - 17:00 The front of Ballroom Salon (3F)
    March 2, 8:00 - 15:00 The front of Ballroom Salon (3F)
    March 3, 8:20 - 12:00 The front of Ballroom Salon (3F)

    Sessin rooms are as follows.
    March 1 Milo III (2F), Ballroom Salon I, II, and III.(3F)
    March 2 Milo III (2F), Ballroom Salon I, II, and III.(3F)
    March 3 Milo III (2F), Ballroom Salon I, II, and III.(3F)

    marriott floor map
    marriott floor map
    marriott floor map

    Banquet & Award Ceremony

    Please see Program Page.

    Photos by Aruha Yamaoka