Instructions for Preparation and Submission of 1-page summary for NCSP'11

0. Submission scheme

1. Paper submission

Authors are invited to submit 1-page summaries in PDF or Postscript format through the symposium home page. URL :
  • Summaries must be in English
  • Summary should be within 1 page
  • There is no style file for submitting 1-page summaries but summary should be presented as follows: Tiltle, author name(s), affiliation(s), and main body.
  • Summary can include figures and tables.
  • Summary can also include references.
  • Summaries are recommended to be composed of four paragraphs (objective, methods, results, and conclusions).
  • Before submitting 1-page summaries, authors should register your information at the symposium home page: URL :
Authors will receive notification of your summary submission until 15 Dec. 2010. After the acceptance, authors will be required to submit the final paper (4-page maximum) for the workshop proceedings. All correspondence will be via e-mail. No hard copies will be accepted. At least one author of each paper must register for the workshop for papers to be included in the program.

2. Student paper awards

Student authors are eligible for student best paper awards at NCSP11. To be eligible the paper must be authored and presented by the student. Students interested in participating in this award process are required to submit a final paper to present a nice talk for considering by the judges. Awarded papers will be strongly recommended to be published in the Journal of Signal Processing announces a forthcoming Special Issue on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing.

3. Paper submissions